We got the second/final pour of the footings finished this morning.

Two more trucks of concrete pumped into the footings this morning, an early lunch then starting to pull off the form boards and stakes. The rest to come off Saturday and start prepping for the airform.
Look for another update to this post after I get the later video edited. The above video was just from the Drone footage of a single battery charge. I have a bunch of gopro video to edit and a later trip out with the drone after the crew left for the day.
Here is the promised update. I had it edited last night but it was taking too long so I had to go to sleep.
I couldn’t get it to upload as a single video so it is now split in two parts.
The second part below is mostly about cleaning the concrete pump after pumping or spraying. They are literally pumping a sponge through the hoses multiple times to clean them out.