I had originally planned on posting about some of the selections we have been looking at for finishing the house but Instead I spent most of the day repeatedly rebuilding the BCD files for my computer. See, Saturday evening a notification started popping up saying I needed to restart the PC so that it could fix errors. Well, in stead of fixing the errors, apparently it will just corrupting the bootloader so I couldn’t boot up the PC Sunday Morning. At one Point I did manage to get booted up after rebuilding the BCD. I went in and made sure to run a backup of my files and do a cleanup. But upon restarting again, it decided to fix the errors to make sure I could boot back up again.

Obviously the scan and repair wasn’t working properly.
So Monday I spent several more hours on it. I think it is OK now but I’m a little nervous about restarting it again. I highly recommend Hiren’s Boot CD (on USB) And keeping a notebook about how to do some of these things (or a playlist on Youtube.)

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